Enrollment form

This page describes the fields on the enrollment form in the Digital ID Center. You use your Web browser to go to the Digital ID Center and then click the Enroll button to view this screen.

Your enrollment page supports the character set determined by your Managed PKI administrator. If you have difficulty entering information in a particular character set, ask your administrator what language the enrollment is set for. Although many character sets are supported, the e-mail address and country code take only ASCII characters.

Contents of your Digital ID
Your Digital ID can be looked up by others in the Digital ID Center online directory. A typical Digital ID might contain your public key, your name, your e-mail address, an expiration date, and the name of the organization that issued the ID.

First Name is your name or nickname. When someone looks up your name in the directory, the Digital ID Center uses the information you supply here, so use a name they are familiar with and likely to use when searching for you.

Last Name is your last name.

E-mail Address is your complete e-mail address, including company/domain name. For example, jdoe@symantec.com. Your e-mail address is included in your Digital ID so it can be used with e-mail applications to digitally sign and encrypt or decrypt e-mail messages. Make sure your e-mail address is correct! Without the correct address, you will not receive the PIN number, which is vital to receiving your Digital ID.

The e-mail address must be standard ASCII characters.

Country is a two-letter country code for the country where you live or work. If you use your Digital ID for personal reasons, use your home country. If you use it for work, use the country where you work.

Zip/Postal Code is the code used by the post office for where you live or work.

Date of Birth is when you were born. Enter your date of birth in the format: mmddyy. For example, February 1, 1940 should be entered as 020140 with no punctuation.

Challenge Phrase
The Challenge Phrase is a password you use when you want to manage your Digital ID throughout the Digital ID Center. It is not stored with the Digital ID. Before you can manage your Digital ID, you need to enter the Challenge Phrase. The Challenge Phrase protects you from unauthorized management of your Digital ID. The Challenge Phrase can be one or more words, but it cannot include any punctuation. Do not forget this phrase. If you need to write it down, make sure you store it in a safe place.

Choose Your Encryption Strength
This option lets you control the number of bits your Digital ID uses during encryption. By selecting the default option, you will have the optimal level of security for your browser. However, there might be reasons to use a lower bit strength. You should only use a lower strength if someone (for example, a system administrator) has told you that you need the lower strength.

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